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Nouvelle version du sim ?

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Nouvelle version du sim ? Empty Nouvelle version du sim ?

Message par Bouda 8/24/2009, 9:07 pm

J'ai vu (comme toi) certaines choses très prometteuses de la version 2 du STHS donc je voulais savoir si pour la prochaine saison et s'il tombait dispo sans être version beta, allons nous allez de l'avant avec ? Je sais qu'il n'est pas encore dispo (quoi que je vais etre tester avec Kevin) et les couts ne sont pas encore sorti mais ça va être vraiment malade... Trop peut-etre mais bon, je vous en redonnerez des news Wink

En gros plus de réalisme en terme de gameplay et plein de nouveautés, voici un copier-coller de la liste des features de la v2.

·A lot of modification to the HTML page created, including a new page with today transactions only
·Ability for a player to play multiple positions
·Ability for GM to add Coaches Point to each lines individually
·Ability for GM to adjust Ice time for their lines (i.e. : 1st line 35%)
·Ability for GM to make their rosters for 10 days in row
·Ability for GM to upload their files directly by FTP and commish to download them directly by FTP (All from the STHS and STHS Client)
·Ability to change the entry draft order manually
·Ability to create your own tram transaction
·Ability to decide when to pull goalie in the lasts minutes of the game if score is close
·Ability to do your entry draft lottery when you start your playoff.
·Ability to have 1 to 6 division across 2 conference
·Ability to have a city for farm team
·Ability to have a external link for each players
·Ability to have activate the full farm option by team
·Ability to have captain and assistant for farm team
·Ability to have farm players scratch
·Ability to have your pro and farm team in difference division/conference
·Ability to import a league Version 1 using the "V1Export" command in 1.1.5 or more
·Ability to keep captain or assistant status ever if a player is scratched
·Ability to make different schedule from Pro and Farm
·Ability to make your own overall formula
·Ability to modify game option for all-star game only.
·Ability to reset your pro and farm team stat during the season to see your team performance after a important modification (Trade for example)
·Ability to restrict a players to pro or farm only
·Ability to save all your free agents offre in a text files
·Ability to set a maximum number of draft players in the automatic fantasy draft
·Ability to set different players salaries for each year of a contract
·Ability to simulate all-star game for pro and farm.
·Ability to simulate numerous all-star game without remaking your linesup.
·Ability to simulate with 1 division only
·Ability to upload your HTML Page by FTP directly from the STHS
·Add a lot of new statistics for players and goalies.
·Add a star power stat for each players that affect the finance formula
·Add a maximum stats modification to the rating change active.
·Add an option for maximum farm salary.
·Add an option so pro team who are eliminated cannot send players to farm but team not eliminated can.
·Add an option so ratings are not show at all.
·Add an option so the STHS Client won't load file that are more that X days old
·Add an option to decided the number of players/goalies showing the Invidual Leader Output
·Add an option to disabled the morale completely.
·Add an option to farm players are paid even if farm is deactivate
·Add an option to force correct lineup before saving in the STHS Client
·Add an option to force player to go on waiver even they are send to farm
·Add an option to limit the number of players in the farm team roster.
·Add an option to output the Lines Times in the box score
·Add an option to remove rookie status if players is older that a certain age.
·Add an option to set the default arena capacity.
·Add the ability to have a output page with all the rating different between the beguinning of the season and current state of your league
·Add the ability to have referees and linesmen in the simulator. They don't affect the outcome of the game.
·Add the option to decimal number on the injury recovery speed (0.5 of Condition at each for example)
·Add the option to set a minimum free agents salary offer.
·Creation of new stats for Players and Goalies (Endurance, Penalty Shot)
·Implement a more realistic payroll
·Implement the NHL waiver rules
·Over 100,000 of games have been simulated to find to balance the slider effect on the simulating engine.
·Simulate Windows now show the result of farm game in real time
·Split ALL the simulation option in two : One for Pro, One for Farm
·Split the Block Auto Function in STHS Client in 3 : Block Auto Roster, Block Auto-Pro Lines and Block Auto-Farm
·Split the Fatigue for 100 Durability option in 2 : One for Pro, One for Farm
·Split the Off-Season Maximum Re-Rate Change in 2 : One for Pro, One for Farm
·Split the Output Full Play by Play in 2 : One for Pro, One for Farm
·Split the Roster Limit option in 2 : One for Pro, One for Farm
·Split the Use Partial Function option in 2 : One for Roster, One for Lines
·The defensive lines are now independent from forward lines during game play
·The simulating engine has been modified regarding feedback, specially on SH Goals, Fights, Block Shoot.
·The simulating engine now gives delay penalty and show the type of shots of players.
·The simulator now allow last minutes game offensif and defensif lines
·The simulator now enforces the minimum and maximum players per teams options when doing trade.
The simulator now use the players birthday instead of age.

Messages : 1403
Date d'inscription : 09/03/2009
Age : 47
Localisation : St-Jérôme

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Nouvelle version du sim ? Empty Re: Nouvelle version du sim ?

Message par MarcAndrePrez 8/25/2009, 7:27 am

si Kevin peut nous l'avoir gratos Wink

Messages : 2304
Date d'inscription : 25/02/2009


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Nouvelle version du sim ? Empty Re: Nouvelle version du sim ?

Message par ti-dave 8/25/2009, 9:23 am

MarcAndrePrez a écrit:si Kevin peut nous l'avoir gratos Wink

Kev a de bon contact de se côté mais je crois pas qu'il peut en avoir deux gratuits!!! lol!

Messages : 3910
Date d'inscription : 05/03/2009
Localisation : Ste-Edwidge

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Nouvelle version du sim ? Empty Re: Nouvelle version du sim ?

Message par Big Bruce 8/25/2009, 2:46 pm

moi je sais que de mon côté, ca va devoir attendre, mais ca l'air d'être très complet, dommage qu'il ny est pas pensé pendant la création de la V.1!
Big Bruce
Big Bruce

Messages : 1494
Date d'inscription : 07/03/2009
Age : 40
Localisation : Sherbrooke

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Nouvelle version du sim ? Empty Re: Nouvelle version du sim ?

Message par Bouda 8/25/2009, 4:18 pm

Sur le forum du STHS, ils ont a peu près tout relevé comme bug ou faiblesse donc la V.2 sera nettement supérieur lorsque mature bien sur... Mais elle n'est pas encore prete mais si jamais Marc peux vous montrez des screenshots, ça donnera un excellent aperçu...

Messages : 1403
Date d'inscription : 09/03/2009
Age : 47
Localisation : St-Jérôme

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Nouvelle version du sim ? Empty Re: Nouvelle version du sim ?

Message par ti-dave 8/25/2009, 4:31 pm

Big Bruce a écrit:moi je sais que de mon côté, ca va devoir attendre, mais ca l'air d'être très complet, dommage qu'il ny est pas pensé pendant la création de la V.1!

Businees is business!!! lol!

Messages : 3910
Date d'inscription : 05/03/2009
Localisation : Ste-Edwidge

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Nouvelle version du sim ? Empty Re: Nouvelle version du sim ?

Message par MarcAndrePrez 8/25/2009, 6:35 pm

SCREENSHOTS: http://sths.simont.info/V2ScreenShots_En.php

Sur le forum certains on avancés que p-e les détenteur de la V1 pourrais p-e avoir un rabais sur la V2...
Sinon ya aussi le faite la V1 ait été vendu comme : For a life....

entk je vais voir que ca va sortir , au pire vous me donnerais tous 1$ farao

Messages : 2304
Date d'inscription : 25/02/2009


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Nouvelle version du sim ? Empty Re: Nouvelle version du sim ?

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